
5 Fast Facts About Clean Diesel

With all the talk about electric buses and federal rebates, it’s easy to forget that 92-95% of today’s school buses still run on diesel.

It’s because of this specific fuel that millions of kids can travel to and from school safely each day. However, diesel is still not thought of highly by many people. Its reputation continues to cloud the fact that today’s diesel is clean, efficient, and affordable. As you consider your next new or used bus, keep these five facts in mind:

Clean diesel bus

1. Diesel Is Now 90% Cleaner

Over the decades, diesel became a dirty word. However, things change. Today, diesel is now 90% cleaner than it was in 2006. And with the continued commitment to improve, that percentage is likely to grow.

2. Diesel Is Lower In Harmful Emissions

Thanks to the efforts of the EPA and manufacturers such as Thomas Built Buses, emissions have dropped. In particular, the engines of today’s clean diesel buses emit considerably less:

  • Particulate matter

  • Nitrogen oxide

  • Carbon monoxide

  • Nonmethane hydrocarbons

3. Diesel Is Comparable To Alternative Fuels

While alternative fuels, such as propane or gasoline, may sound like cleaner options, the fact is diesel is comparable or even cleaner. With recent engine innovations, you don’t need to switch away from diesel to remain clean.

4. Diesel Can Save You Money

Diesel engines often last between 15 and 20 years, saving you money on costly repairs. They’re rarely replaced during the life of that bus. Diesel is also fuel efficient. Calculate the costs yourself to see how much you can save.

5. Diesel Buses Are Less Expensive Than Electric

Although the lifetime costs may favor electric, the initial purchase price of an electric bus is much higher than a diesel bus. That matters for the countless school districts across the country facing tight budgets.

If you have any questions about buses, you can trust Kerlin. We’ve delivered exceptional customer experience since 1962.